• 22nd Annual Conference of Uttar Pradesh Diabetes Association | 22–24 Dec 2023 | Gorakhpur


22nd Annual Conference of Uttar Pradesh Diabetes Association
December 22–24, 2023 | Gorakhpur, India

Dr. Aloke Kumar Gupta
Organising Chairman

Dr. Sudhir Kumar
Organising Secetary

Dr. Manoj Kr. Srivastava
Scientific Chairman

Dr. Anubha Srivastava
Scientific Co-Chairperson

Dr. Saurabh Srivastava
Scientific Chairman

Welcome Address

Dear friends,

Welcome to the land of Mahayogi Guru Gorakshnath, Saint Kabir, and Lord Buddha. The epicentre of sanatan literature publication Geeta press. The core theme of UPDACON 2023 is “Controversies in diabetes”. “Controversial” as we all know, is often a euphemism for “Interesting and Intelligent”. In the science of medicine we know that only few things are entirely black or white, but more often different shades of grey.The beauty of modern medicine is that it is always open to make changes with evolving evidences. Modern medicine’s basic strength lies in innovative ideas, developing hypothesis, implementing it in RCT’S and drawing conclusions. The other strength lies in Real world evidences and meta-analysis of these studies. As already premised the conclusions are not always black or white, and that is why the recommending bodies debate on various issues to arrive on a consensus before drafting the guidelines, and mind you these are not rules but guidelines.